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6-Yr-Old Gets 150 Bunchems Balls Stuck In Her Hair; Mom Spends 20 Hours Removing Them

Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle offers a word of caution for all parents.

Lisa claims it all began when her two small children, Abigail and Noah, walked downstairs to play in a now-viral Facebook post. Ten minutes later, Noah rushed racing upstairs to inform Lisa that his sister had “something” trapped in her hair.

Lisa then made the strange finding…

Noah poured a full jar of Bunchems over Abigail’s head.

Bunchems, for those who are unfamiliar, are award-winning toys aimed towards youngsters aged 4 and up. Colorful small balls that adhere to one other and build like no other, they’re characterized as. Despite the fact that the container contains a label urging consumers to keep them away from hair, numerous children have gotten themselves into this extremely sticky predicament.

Abigail wound up with 150 Bunchems actually piled and matted into her hair. Lisa described their connection as “velcro-like.”

Lisa claimed that it took three hours to remove only 15 of 150 Bunchems using a mix of vegetable oil and conditioner! The procedure was so exhausting that she and her husband had to call it a night.

Lisa didn’t want to cut her daughter’s hair, so she worked on removing the sticky balls the next day.

See how Lisa’s attempts paid off after 21 hours in the video below.

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