
After 7 miscarriages woman told to “Pull the plug” on newborn only to make decision that stumps the doctors

Trisha Bell deserves a vacation more than anyone. The mother was determined to give her only son a big brother, but each pregnancy ended in heartbreak. She had seven miscarriages before arriving in the delivery room. Her newborn son, however, was delivered without a heartbeat.

Trisha was ready to quit after seven miscarriages. Spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally, she was devastated. But then she discovered she was pregnant again. Any early joy was crushed by tremendous terror.

She had to make the decision in her heart that even if she lost this kid, this baby deserved to be cherished without fear, she explained. So she told her baby that she would shower him/her with nothing but optimism and love every day. She would cherish every day they had, no matter what transpired.

Trisha needs to have faith in God.

This pregnancy was unique. Trisha and her husband were pleased when the first trimester ended without incident. Ezrah was the name they picked for their son.

But then things started to go south. She documented the scary experience on Facebook.

Her child was delivered without a heartbeat.  There is no oxygen reaching the brain. There is no pulse.

After 11 minutes, he was resurrected. He was found to have a serious brain injury. She remember being told her son will have no quality of life like it was yesterday being ordered to just “pull the plug”

She recalls sitting in the hospital and praying, hoping, and sobbing and recalls wanting to help him. Her body had failed her kid, and she felt completely helpless.

She was broken.

She eventually learned there was something she could do for him as she sat next to his bed, attempting to determine what she could do to assist him. As his mother, she knew she could give him the most vital thing that no one else could: Her MILK!

She did not breastfeed her oldest kid, Urijah, for more than three months. So, with Ezrah, she realized this was what she had to do, regardless of how difficult it became. He was struggling for his life, and this was the only way she could offer him all she had!

She wasn’t sure if her milk would help his injury, but she had a strong belief that it would and  had no clue how swiftly she would discover the healing power of Mother’s Milk. It’s just pure MAGIC!

And now, 14 months later, she knows her milk helped repair her child’s brain lesion. She is sure of it. Women’s bodies are AMAZING. The way they are so in tune with their kids. Their bodies’ capacity to comprehend just what to do during childbirth. How they heal then they decide to do it all over again! It’s breathtakingly gorgeous.

Ezrah is doing well more than a year later. He needs the assistance of a developmental expert, yet he is well ahead of where doctors anticipated a kid born with no heartbeat to be.

And Trisha knows just who she should thank.

She says on Facebook that she does not know what God has in store for her and her family, but she does know that God works in mysterious ways, and all they can do is believe in him, We all have our own challenges, but we have the option of deciding whether the fight is worth waging.  We have the option of giving our all even in our darkest hours. And let me tell you, fighting is worth it.”

What a wonderful miracle!

Share this story with anybody you know who might benefit from a lesson that miracles still exist!

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