
Boy Gave His Prize Money Of $31,000 To His Mother Who Was Fighting Cancer.

Monica Russell, of Morgan County, Utah, loves that her children participated in 4-H livestock shows and activities. It makes them better young adults, and give them extra money to pay for college when they sell their animals. But back in 2015, that money earned by her children was going for something else.

Earlier in the year, Monica was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her son, Cade, entered his pig, hoping the sale of it would help with his mom’s medical costs. His pig, wearing a pink ribbon to symbolize breast cancer support, came in second in the showing, and he was really hoping he could get a couple of thousand dollars for it. That would help a lot, young Cade thought.

But during the auction, the pig’s price started going higher and higher. And all of a sudden, it was at $7,000. Cade could not believe what he was hearing. But when it was all over, Cade’s shock and surprise could hardly be worded. His pig sold… for $31,000.

Several members of the community were very much aware of what Monica was going through. And they made sure that young Cade got plenty to take care of his mom.

Says Monica: “This community in Morgan is unreal. I could rattle off a hundred things that have been done for our family since I was diagnosed. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.”

And ya know… I can’t say I blame her. 

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