
Boy Stands For National Anthem Despite Having Braces On Both Of His Legs.

Source: Facebook

One of the most touching things I’ve ever seen tonight! This young man was struggling to stand for the anthem as he had braces on both legs with his Dad patting his back in support of helping him. You may or may not agree and that’s your choice. Men and women have bled and died for us to be able to choose. They fought for everyone’s rights, not just the ones we may or may not agree with. I’m not sure who this boy or his family is, or if it’ll ever reach them again. But his parents are raising a fine young man.

This video was not taken as a part of any protest or political view. It was taken because he knew men and women fought for his right to choose whether or not to stand. It was taken because he went above and beyond his disability to do what was his right as an American.

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