
Bride Says She Expects Each Guest To Spend $400 Or More On Her Wedding Gifts.

It’s customary for a newlywed couple to receive presents from their guests on their wedding day. Many upcoming brides and grooms, on the other hand, have their own distinct approaches to wedding presents. Some people create a wedding register to let visitors know what they need, while others ask everyone to gift anything they want. Unfortunately, the expectations on this particular day can be a little contentious at times. Whether it be the lady of the hour or husband to be, or even both, there is lots of pressure on loved ones to be very generous for the forthcoming wedding. Read this story to see what the bride expected her guest to give her and let us know what are your thoughts about it.

Source: Reddit

Hey everyone!! So we are all aware that my wedding is coming up in October!!!!

I’ve already sent out all the invitations. Meaning most of you have gotten them! thanks for those who have RSVP’d already. If you have not, then please RSVP by Sunday otherwise we’re not going to be able to have you.

That being said, I would like to announce our gift registry to everyone!! To all those coming to my wedding, there are a list of gifts that you can bring. You MUST choose from the list or consult me first. There are no exceptions.

The list includes:

1. Any KitchenMaid appliances over $350, this does NOT mean regular kitchen items like an apron or a spatula. I’m talking about their stand mixer, blender, etc.

2. Any Gucci or Louis Vuitton purses. Other purses are allowed but please consult me first

3. Any clothes OVER $400 from Calvin Klein, Moschino, or Nora’s

4. New floor tiles for the entire house (I know this one is a bit of a strech but I’d gladly appreciate it)

5. A new car or a new trim for my car, or anything in relation to the car

7. $400 or more gift cards to any of the following places: Fifth Sak’s Avenue, Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Calvin Klein, Gucci, Whole Foods, Sprouts, maybe even JCPenny. Other places are acceptable but please talk to me first.

8. Any Korean or Asian beauty products totalling $400 or more

9. Any HIGH CLASS paintings or decorations totalling $400 or more

10. A cash gift of $400 or more

So as you can see, there are a lot of things on here. I am expecting everyone to spend AT LEAST $400 on the wedding gifts. I’ll accept slightly lower amounts as long as you tell me first. Also, everything on here is first come, first serve. Here’s a link to the spreadsheet where you can find who’s bringing what: [][][][][][][] Remember to apply early if you don’t want to get me a Gucci purse or anything you don’t want to get!! Thanks loves! X0X0

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