
Cop’s Reaction When Little Boy Reports About His Stolen Bike.

Source: Facebook

Sam is 11 years old and in the sixth grade. He rides his bike to his bus stop, where he hides it in the woods. Tuesday afternoon, he got off the bus and discovered his bike was missing.

He went to see Deputy John Steffner, who lives nearby, to see if he could help. Deputy Steffner couldn’t find the bike, and learned that it would likely be a while before Sam was able to get a replacement. So he reached out to his fellow Alpha Squad members (Sgt. Ross Porter, Deputies Gage Massey, Ryan Davidson, Michael Dean, Garret Green and Todd Harris) and they all chipped in to help buy Sam a new bike. They also got him a bike lock.

They got together and, along with Deputy Steffner’s son, surprised Sam with his new bike yesterday afternoon.

This is what is called community policing and going above and beyond to live up to the “serve” in “protect and serve.” Cops all over the nation do things like this every day. The public just doesn’t hear about them often enough amid all the negative news. We are part of this community and love it when we can help our neighbors! 

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