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Dad Explodes At Driver Who ‘Squeezed’ Past His Bicycling 5-Yr-Old On The Road.

It is more vital to educate children about road safety than it is to educate them how to ride a bicycle. After all, no parent wants to see their child hurt or, worse, dead. A video of a parent watching his youngster riding to school, on the other hand, stirred a controversy. While the dad believed he was correct, most people believe he was incorrect.

Ashley Zhang-Borges, 36, tweeted a video he took himself that had viewers on the edge of their seats as a car ‘squeezed’ past his kid while riding.

When the child notices a car approaching from the opposite direction, he asks his father if he should pull over.

Zhang-Borges advised his kid to “keep going” rather than stop. After the driver passed them, Zhang-Borges said, “Aren’t you going to stop?” Zhang-Borges, trying to calm down his son and prevent inciting fear, told his 5-year-old son that don’t be concerned, just keep going. That motorist should have come to a complete stop.

Zhang-Borges then uploaded the footage on Twitter in November 2022, expressing his fear for his child’s safety in the aftermath of the occurrence.

He said this in his tweet that how can one expect parents to let their children bike to school if this is how their neighbors approach them? He’s five years old, and this is only 100 meters from his house.

English television journalist and radio personality Jeremy Vine, a well-known cycling advocate, shared the footage on Twitter and questioned his followers who was at fault: the 5-year-old child or the automobile driver.

Among those who responded to Vine’s post was British politician Sajid Javid, who quoted Vine’s tweet and blamed the 5-year-old’s father.

In a different interview, he retaliated against Javid. He did not announce any financing for active travel in his 2019 expenditure review, he added.

Vine defended Borges-Zhang, calling him a “great parent” for ensuring the incident was captured on tape.

People who insult the dad are the same individuals who are unhappy about youngsters cycling on the sidewalks. This is being filmed by a clever father, Vine said.

When another Twitter user chastised Vine for supporting Zhang-Borges’ kid, Vine responded by arguing that forcing a 5-year-old child to ride a bicycle on the road is risky.

Bad drivers make the roads hazardous. Bad drivers must be made to consider others. Making room for them makes them worse, he stated.

In a tweet, Surrey Police also supported Zhang-Borges, saying that looking ahead, there is a traffic jam with priority given to cars heading in the same direction as the riders. If there had been a car approaching, the driver would have had to pull over in the gap between the parked automobiles.

Zhang-Borges, a guest on Vine’s show, claimed that his youngster had every right to ride a bike on the road.

In this case, the facts are obvious: the driver was wrong, and his kid has every right to be on the road. That is undeniable, according to Zhang-Borges.

While most people disagreed with Zhang-Borges, others believed he was correct. One user stated that He has every legal right to be on the road. Cycling is free, healthful, creates no emissions, and frees up road space for other automobiles.

Do you believe the dad was wrong? Let us know what you think, and please forward this to anybody who might be interested in this tale!

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