
Daughter Back From Her Father Funeral Finally Eats Her Meal After 10 Days.

Source: Facebook

Please share this very beautiful story..

This photo has touched us so deeply at Elements Cremation, Pre-planning & Burial and we and the family want to share it with you.

This photograph captures a special moment between a man, his wife and their best friend. She had recently lost her dear husband to a sudden heart attack and wanted to see him one last time to say goodbye.

When he had passed away at home their dog Sadie would not leave his side. After the death, she showed signs of depression, would not eat and waited for him to come home everyday. The wife believed that Sadie could also benefit from saying goodbye and getting closure herself, and she was right!

After 10 days of not eating and 10lbs of weight loss, the moment Sadie walked in her home again after the service she ate her first meal. Amazing!

A heart wrenching, yet beautiful story. ❤️

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