
Disabled Veteran Never Expected This From His Neighbor.

Source: Facebook

I wanna take a moment to recognize my cousin Andrew Henry and his partner Chris Bruhn and here’s why. My neighbor Gregory who is elderly, retired, and disabled recently had a sewer line break in our shared front lawn. The sewage was backing into the houses. After speaking with Greg a few times about the issue It became clear that he didn’t have the insurance needed to repair the sewer or have sufficient funds, actually none.

As you can imagine it was an unpleasant situation and was not something that should be left unattended. Andrew spoke with Gregory and also found out that he is a retired air force vet. After some rounds of conversations back and forth Andrew decided that he wanted to help Gregory in a time of need. this Saturday on his day off, and with a $1000 donation (cost of material), he gathered some help and put a new sewer line in for him.

Thank you Andrew for giving back to your community and for helping Gregory and my family. The world could definitely use some more people like you in it.

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