
Dog Got The Situation In Control When Boy’s Mother Couldn’t Handle It.

Story by Nicole Duggan

Today Riley had to go to the dentist for the first time, and to say he was anxious was an understatement. The first thing he said when he walked in the door was “I’m not getting my teeth checked”. He then repeated this over and over until we went into the room.

He refused to sit in the dentist’s chair, saying it was scary. So of course we didn’t push it! He sat on a normal chair just inside the door. Willow was right next to him, keeping him calm, and distracting him. But he was still refusing to get his teeth checked.

That was until we got the dentist to check Willow’s teeth first. He watched and saw that no one had to go at her teeth, and Riley then copied and let him have a look in his mouth to see what was going on. It was amazing to see!

Then, he got brave, and decided he would sit on the chair, while holding Willow’s lead for comfort! He got to look at an X-ray of teeth, told the dentist his light looked like the moon, and got so many stickers! What started off as a stressful situation, turned into a positive one!!

He might not have let the dentist do anything, but we got to figure out what the problem was, have started an antibiotic to help, and him sitting in this chair was an enormous step!! And he has said he will go back!! That alone is a major win!!

Visits like this can be so stressful for Riley! But with Willow by his side it is made a little easier! I think they will have to get their teeth checked together from now on!!

Today I am SUPER proud!! This is why we will walk 60 Miles in June for My Canine Companion! For days like these! When Willow can support Riley better than I ever could!

You can follow her journey on: Facebook and Instagram

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