
Grandmother Adopts Twins With Genetic Deformity After Parents Were Unable To Care For Them.

Linda Trepanier is a 58-year-old nurse in Minnesota. Over the past several years, she has fostered 16 children, as well as having three biological children of her own and three grandchildren. She also has three adopted children, the latest of which are twin boys who have a rare genetic condition.

Marshall and Matthew were born with Pfeiffer syndrome, which causes skull and limb deformities, as well as respiratory issues. Linda scoffs at those who tell her she should be concentrating on retirement instead of adopting special needs children.

She can’t imagine life without them now, because she loves them so much. And, yes, it takes a lot of work to care for them, but she wouldn’t give it up for anything.

Says Linda: “When I first saw the twins, I thought they were the most adorable babies I’ve ever seen. They had big heads and tiny bodies. As soon as I saw them, I fell in love. I knew in myself that these boys were mine.”

The adoption of the boys was finalized when they were 3 years old. She hopes that one day Marshall and Matthew can live happy, independent lives. Until that time, she will be dedicated to them.

Adds Linda: “I feel blessed that I can make the lives of these children better. It’s a really hard job but seeing them happy makes me happy too.”

And, when it comes right down to it… isn’t that what life is all about? 

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