
Hardworking Nurse Gets This Letter From Her Husband.

When it comes to nurses… well, there are not too many other professions that are more noble. They take care of us when we’re sick and they really seem to care, even when other things are going on in their lives. Well, what’s LEFT of their lives anyway after taking care of us.

Phillip Urtz of Rome, New York, is married to such a nurse. Her name is Jessica, and she takes care of others, most of them stroke patients, almost every day during some long hours. And even though she tries to hide it, he sees the tremendous toll it often takes on her.

After one grueling 14-hour day, Jessica came home, made herself a sandwich and soon went to bed, knowing that the she would face the next day with as much passion and zeal as she always does. Phillip only got to spent a short amount of time with her before she headed to bed. So, in her honor, he posted about his wife on Facebook.

And this is what he wrote: “This is my wife Jessica having dinner after a 14-hour day. She comes home from work, has enough time to eat and get ready for bed and it’s back to work the next day for another shift. She is up early to get ready for her day. She doesn’t like to be bothered in the morning and I respect that. She showers, throws her hair up, grabs her lunch gives the dog and me a kiss and heads out the door.

At work she takes care of people who are having the worst days of their lives. Strokes, Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, falls, breaks, brain damage and more. She takes care of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends and families. It doesn’t matter who you are or what happened. She will take care of you.

She works through lunch and rarely has time to sit. She comes home after 14 hours, takes off her shoes that have walked through blood and tears, and just wants to sit down. I don’t ask her about her day because she doesn’t like to talk about work when she is home and that’s fine.

If she does want to talk, I will listen. Sometimes she comes home happy and sometime she comes home sad. But no matter how she feels, she is always on time for her next shift.

I love her with all my heart. My wife is my hero. My wife is a Stroke Nurse.”

So if you have a nurse in your family, give her or him a big hug, and let ’em know just how much you love ’em.

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