
Hungry Boy Calls 911 For Food.

When you’re hungry, you’re hungry… and that’s all there is to it. And sometimes you’ll go to great extents to feed that hunger. And for one young Arizona boy, that meant that the police needed to get involved.

Charlie is 5 years old, and one day, he got really hungry. And he was really hungry for a McDonald’s Happy Meal. So he dialed 911. It was a hunger emergency, so he naturally thought he would be connected with someone from McDonald’s to take care of that. But, of course, he wound up speaking with police and fire dispatcher Anthony Bonilla.

When Charlie asked if he had McDonald’s on the phone, Anthony told him that he was speaking with the Mesa Police Department. Then he asked the young boy if he had an emergency. Well, Charlie did… sort of. He asked Anthony if he could have a “McHappy Meal.”

The young boy then hung up the phone. But Anthony called right back just to get a little more clarity. When Charlie’s dad answered the phone, he assured the curious dispatcher that there was no emergency in the household, and that his son must have sneaked off and got to the phone. But Anthony had a chuckle about it, telling Charlie’s dad that the young boy, “made his day” by asking for a “McHappy Meal.”

But along with that, Anthony informed Charlie’s dad that because of department protocol, an officer would be out within the week for a wellness check. And sure enough, within a week an officer did show up at Charlie’s house.

That officer was Randolph Valdez. And aside from making the mandated check-up, Randolph brought something along with him. It was a Happy Meal for Charlie. And it was a McHappy day for everyone involved.

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