
Husband Accused Her For Stealing His Money To Buy iPhone For His Daughter.

Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging responsibilities. It differs from person to person. However, what if a husband and wife do not agree with each other’s parenting style. Read the story and let us know with whom do you agree with?

Source: Reddit

My daughter is 16. She had her old phone for 5 years and always wanted a new phone, I’m the only one working right now since my husband decided to take “a break” from work after he inherited some money from his dad.

I saw that she did pretty good at school despite having mental health issues that had gotten in the way of her focus before and so I decided to keep her encouraged and reward her by getting her an apple iPhone that cost a good sum of money. I did my best to save money to buy it, I literally skipped paying for breakfast at work to be able to afford it, and my husband didn’t want to help so I was on my own.

I bought her the iPhone and quite honestly, I haven’t seen her this happy in a while, it was refreshing for me because she really went through some hard times in the past couple of years emotionally and mentally.

My husband wasn’t happy with this. He said the iPhone will only distract her from school and chores but that wasn’t true, in fact it encouraged her to do more. But he still said I shouldn’t have spent that kind of money on an iPhone that she might be irresponsible with and break. My daughter picked up on his attitude towards the iPhone but I told her to ignore him.

Days ago, I found out that he broke the iPhone, I asked why and he said he asked her to get him something from the toolbox in the garage but she was on the iPhone and ignored him. He used this incident as evidence that the iPhone was a bad influence but I yelled at him and demanded he replace it, he said he wouldn’t, so I took money out of his account and paid for a new iPhone and gave it to my daughter. He saw what I did and went off on me calling me vicious and awful and accused me of stealing his father’s money and demanded the money I took, every single penny back. I basically told him it won’t happen, he got his mother on me saying I’m setting a terrible example for my daughter by getting her a phone paid for with money that I stole from her dad. My husband said he won’t speak a word to me til I fix this but I already said I owe him nothing. Did I go too far here? Please don’t be afraid to criticize. Thank you for your time in advance.

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