
Little Boy Raises $13K For Migrant Kids Through Lemonade Stand.

The Democrats blame the Republicans and the Republicans blame the Democrats. But let’s throw out the politics of it. Let’s forget assigning the blame at a particular group or party. It was one year ago when someone actually DID something about the immigrant children who were separated from their parents at the border. And it might just surprise you who that was.

It was a 6-year-old boy from Atlanta. After his parents explained to him about the immigrant children being separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, they asked him how he thought he could help. His suggestion was a lemonade stand. The little boy wanted to do what he could to raise money for those children.

His mom, Shannon Cofrin Gaggero, thought that would just be a terrific idea. So she posted about it on her Facebook page and asked if anyone in the area would be interested in helping her son accomplish this. Several who lived near the family offered their assistance.

The 6-year-old’s 3-year-old sister even helped out with colorful signs calling for families to be together. They worked a lemonade stand in front of the family’s home, along with a bake sale.

But to help get more of the money to go exactly where it needs to go, Mom Shannon created a virtual lemonade stand on Facebook. The money would go directly to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services. She set a target of $1,000. But the lemonade stand thought of by a 6-year-old boy did so much better than that. It brought in more than $13,000.

Says Shannon: “My kids are 6 and 3 so they don’t quite understand the scope of how much money we raised. But they know it’s a lot and they feel proud that so many people got involved to help.”

It just goes to show the amazing things that young minds can come up with to help others. 

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