
Loving Cat Saves The Orphaned Bunny Life.

This past February, a pregnant cat was taken to a shelter in California. She very quickly gave birth to a litter of kittens.

On that same night, someone brought in a baby bunny that had lost its mother and desperately needed some nursing and some love. That little orphaned bunny was probably not going to make it through the night, the staff thought, unless… unless their new cat that had just given birth to a litter would also take in the baby bunny.

The new mama immediately took in the frail little bunny, and, incredibly, she helped to nurse it back to health. The bunny was later transferred to another rescue center more capable of caring for it.

A short time later, officials at that rescue center contacted workers at the initial shelter to let them know that the bunny was doing just fine and is being cared for by a trained wildlife rehabilitator. 

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