
Loving Daughter Donates Kidney To Her Dad.

Source: Reddit

“Just donated my kidney to my dad.

He, my dad, is the recipient. It’s his second transplant.

My dad is feeling 100% better. All of his numbers have improved and he’s pissin like a racehorse.

My recovery has been a little rough. Apparently I’m a very gassy person. I’ve had a hard time getting rid of the excess gas they used to pump up my abdomen. This makes sleeping difficult. Other than that I’ve been great.

Tomorrow makes 2 weeks since the surgery. So I have my first post op appt tomorrow.

This has been the most gratifying thing I’ve done in my life. My dad is my hero and I’m so extremely thankful that I had this opportunity to extend his life. Some say it’s selfless but I consider myself pretty selfish because I love my dad way too much to not have him here with us.” 💕

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