
Man Didn’t EXPECT His Future Mother-In-Law To REVEAL THIS.

How much do YOU believe in fate? Can fate bring certain people together? It’s, at least, something worth thinking about, and fate appears to have played a part in one couple’s lives.

Heidi met Ed when they were students at New Castle University in the United Kingdom. Ed had trouble operating a dryer in the campus laundry room, so he texted Heidi and she came to his rescue. Because of that, they started seeing more and more of each other and a romance grew out of it. Then, when they were 26, they got married.

When Heidi introduced Ed to her mother, Kay, she got the strangest feeling that she had met the young man before. Then, at a dinner party, which included Ed’s mom, Fiona, she started talking to Ed and her daughter about the little boyfriend Heidi had when she was only 6, when they vacationed in Turkey. His name, said Kay, was Ed as well.

The couple laughed about it. But Kay was just not satisfied. So she went upstairs and started rummaging through some old pictures. And, finally, she came across a photo taken of Heidi and her young boyfriend 20 years ago. When she showed the photo to Fiona, she was shocked. She yelled, “Oh my goodness… that’s ED!!” And, indeed, it was her son, Ed, who was now married to the young girl in the photo.

Kay believes it was fate, and that Heidi and Ed were meant to be together. Heidi, who never put a whole lot of belief in fate, now has to admit that fate had apparently played a big part in their being together…. once again… after all those years. 

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