
Man Kicks Out His Fiance When His Daughter Called Him And Told This.

It is not always simple to combine families. Blended families require time and compassion to integrate. Blending everything correctly and smoothly requires a lot of time, patience, and work. However it does not always work. Scroll down below to know what is below between this woman and her fiance’s daughter and share your views on this.

Source: Reddit

My fiancé is a single dad to Summer (15). Summer has an autoimmune disease and her mom isn’t in the picture. Her dad spoils her rotten because of this.

If dinner’s already done but Summer wants something else, he orders it for her because “she gets cravings”. She doesn’t do any chores around the house and I’m not allowed to ask her for help with anything. If she’s being a brat he excuses it because “her medicines cause mood swings” and she can demand all of his attention whenever she wants.

Summer goes to one of those year round schools. So instead of a 3 month summer break, they get like a month in the summer and they split the other 2 months up throughout the rest of the year. Because of this, she has a 4 week winter break.

Summer was supposed to spend the first week of winter break on vacation with her friend and her mom. It was okay at first. I enjoyed spending time with my fiancé without her interrupting us every 10 minutes but she still called when she woke up, before she went to bed, and every few hours in between. She constantly complained that she missed him (this was the first time she’s been away from him since her mom left).

On day 4, we got a call from her friend’s mom. Summer wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home. I answered the phone the first time and I asked the mom if she had a fever, was throwing up, or was actually sick. The mom said no fever or vomiting but she’s tired and says she wants to go home. I told her to tell Summer to stick it out and call us if she actually gets sick.

Summer decided to call her dad, say she didn’t feel good, and that I said she couldn’t come home. He didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself before kicking me out of the house and starting the 4 hour drive to the friend’s cabin. When they got home, he told me he needed to rethink our relationship. I told him summer is manipulating him now like she always does and listed examples of her using her illness to get what she wants with her dad. He told me not to contact him for the next few weeks while he thinks about whether he really wants to marry me and hasn’t spoken to me since.

Am I AH for saying summer is manipulative….

Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: 

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