
Mom Berated For Giving Daughter’s Friend Advil For Period Pain Because Her Mother Thinks It Causes Infertility.

Menstruation is a difficult period for many ladies, and teens, in particular, are in the process of learning more about their bodies and how to deal with the condition. Having a little support, such as a heating pad or medicine, may make a significant difference. 

Source: Reddit

My daughter’s friend(14) was working on a project with her after school. My daughter(14) told me that she told her she had period cramps and was suffering through it for a while but said she felt too bad and was going to go home. My daughter asked her if she wanted Advil and she said sure and my daughter gave her the bottle.

She came to me as she was leaving and asked me if she could take the bottle. I was kind of confused why she didn’t have her own but I had lots of backups and my family doesn’t get through much of it so I said ok and she took the bottle.

It’s been like 4 months since that happened and the mom of the daughter called and is upset because she found Advil in her daughter’s room and her daughter told her it came from me. I asked her if she’s allergic or something and assured her it was just Advil there but she was upset because it was Advil. According to her Advil and a lot of medications are toxic and will cause infertility. I’m not really sure where she is getting this from. I’ve never heard of that before. Anyway she told me to never give her anything else again and I agreed. Her friend later apologized and said her mom never gives her anything for her period pain because she believes it’s all bad for her so she was hiding it in her room taking it for her period pain. I feel sorry for the girl since I still have pretty bad period pain and take Advil to not be stuck in bed for the day. How would you have helped the teen during her visit? Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted:

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