
Mom of Black Child Snubbed at Chuck E. Cheese Preparing to Sue

Chuck E. Cheese is dealing with a heated mess and no, we’re not talking about its pizza – it’s a potential lawsuit from the mother of the youngster who was ignored by their mascot.

Naney D. Muhammad is the mom of the little Black girl who recently received the cold shoulder at a CEC in New Jersey, and she states that she is planning to sue the pizza company for what she calls overt and blatant racist behavior.

Nancy claims to have seen a tendency of this type of behavior at amusement parks and indoor play facilities for kids, and she considers it upsetting that she and her little girl were victims of it at Chuck E. Cheese.

She claims CEC corporate issued a boilerplate statement that she believes is devoid of an apology and, as a result, she is talking with her lawyer about future measures to ensure justice is served. No child should be forced to feel the way hers did that day, in her opinion.

Of course, this might just be the beginning of a series of lawsuits; similar incidents have occurred at Sesame Place. There has already been one class action lawsuit filed against that Pennsylvania entertainment park.

Speaking about Sesame Street, Nancy expresses that she sees parallels between what occurred to Chuck however would still take her kid to see Elmo and friends. Watch to find out why.

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