
Parents Didn’t Turn Up For Their Son Graduation.

It’s REALLY important for parents to be at special events for their children. Sadly, college student Jeric Rivas had experienced it so many times over the years… his parents seemed to trivialize everything he was involved in and never showed up for them. And it was particularly sad when neither of Jeric’s parents showed up for his college graduation. He just broke down and cried.

It had been so bad through the years. Whenever he won special awards, his parents did not show up. One time, he asked one of his friends’ parents to pretend they were his parents to go up on the stage with him to accept an award. But Jeric worked hard through college and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in criminology. He paid for his own schooling by working at a factory and cleaning houses.

On graduation day, all he wanted… all he could ever ask for was his parents to show up… and be proud of him… like every single graduate wants. But they didn’t show.

And during ceremonies, Jeric’s emotions took over. And all of his teachers there knew exactly why. So when his name was called to come forward and receive his diploma, one of his teachers met him on stage and hugged him. And his other teachers stopped him on the other side of the stage and told him how proud they were of him.

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