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Parents with 12 children who work various jobs to provide for their family receive a Christmas miracle from a stranger.

Since 2015, a “Secret Santa” has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to local folks in desperate need of a breakthrough in East Idaho.

They work with East Idaho News to supply these folks with everything they require over the Christmas season.

The Ashley family from Idaho Falls is one of this year’s beneficiaries. Misty and Ben are the delighted parents of 12 kids ranging in age from 17 to one year, the majority of whom are adopted. Misty and Ben work numerous jobs and shifts in order to care for them.

Ben gets up at 4:00 a.m. and does not arrive home until 10:00 p.m. Misty works later hours and does not return home until 1:00 a.m.

The fact is, Ben and Misty adore kids and would go to great lengths to provide a nice life for them. However, it has not been simple.

And things got even more difficult when their van broke down months before the winter season. They couldn’t even get to their location in a single car. The damaged van has been lying on their driveway since they didn’t have time to repair it.

Secret Santa has heard about their plight and has decided to offer them the most extravagant present imaginable.

Nate Eaton of the East Idaho News brought the Ashleys’ Secret Santa present on their second attempt. Thankfully, all 14 members of the Ashley family were there this time.

Misty answered the door and was surprised to see a reporter and camera on the other side. Some of the youngsters were also inquisitive and peered out the door. Ben came behind Misty, also intrigued.

Nate informed them that Secret Santa intended to give them a gift and gave them a gift box.

When they opened, they discovered a $10,000 shop credit certificate at a furniture business. When Misty received the present, she was all smiling, while Ben was holding back tears.

Nate then informed Misty and Ben that they had another surprise for them, but they must go.

He ordered the parents to bring all 12 of their children. They had no clue what was going on, but they were curious. Misty wasn’t even wearing shoes!

Misty and Ben discovered the surprise before Nate told them when they arrived at the driveway.

Misty couldn’t help but shout and cry. Ben himself had to take a step back, and his elder kid had to console him through his tears.

Secret Santa had given them a 15-seater vehicle, which was ideal for their 14-person family!

They all rushed into the white vehicle, wrapped in red bows, unable to believe it was theirs. In addition, Secret Santa has paid all the taxes and fees. The only thing they haven’t paid is the registration fee, which was donated by Secret Santa.

Certainly, the youngsters enjoy it.

When they asked Ben, who was sobbing, what he felt, all he could say was, “Thank you.”

In the video below, you can see Ashley’s astonishment when they discovered their present.

Parents of 12 surprised with new van

This was a Secret Santa visit from last Christmas – but it was so much fun I want to share it again. We surprised these parents and their 12 kids — and it was amazing!

Posted by Nate Eaton – Reporter on Saturday, 4 December 2021
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