
She Puts Fliers To Find Her Lost Engagement Ring.

Jill Fink took her 2-year-old twins to the park one day and she had to put some sunscreen on them for protection. So she took off her engagement ring off so it wouldn’t get all that messy stuff all over it. She put it in the bottom of the stroller and put the children in swings.

Two days later, as she was getting ready for work, she realized she didn’t have her ring. She checked her apartment. It was nowhere to be found. Then, she remembered taking it off at the park. She checked the stroller. It was gone. She called her husband and burst into tears.

But attorney Michelle LaPlante had found the ring in the park. She had left a note at the park with her phone number. She put up fliers about it near the park.

Says Michelle: “If that had been my ring, I would have gone out of my head.”

She even put it up on Craigslist in the Lost and Found, and a few days later, one of Jill’s friends spotted it and told her about it. Jill quickly got her ring back from Michelle. And for being a Good Samaritan, Jill presented her with a gift card for a really nice night out. 

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