
She Writes About Her Parent’s Relationship On FB And Its Going Viral.

Story by Holly Dignen

You see these two people laughing?

They are my parents. My father was helping my mother put on her new compression stockings and the compression stockings won.

They have been together for 52 years and married almost 47 years. Their relationship is what I have always strived for and ultimately found with my husband.

They do NOT have perfection. They do NOT have endless romance. They do NOT have luxurious outings on a consistent basis. What they do have?

They have unequivocal love for one another through everything that has been thrown their way. They have laughter. They do the HARD stuff together and stay by each other’s side no matter the outcome.

They each play a pivotal role in their relationship. They each are selfless human beings who love their children and grandchildren with their entire beings… but do you know who they loved first and continue to keep a priority?

Each other.

They make choices… together. They compromise… together. They figure stuff out… together. Is it always sunshine and rainbows?

Absolutely not!

Nothing that is priceless comes without faults. Their love is effortless effort (as my sister always says). They put in the work because they reap the benefits.

It’s effort, but it comes naturally because they want their relationship to stay strong and last.

So, if you’re still trying to get it right with someone out there? Make sure they’re willing to laugh, put in the effort, and then love on you after helping you put on compression stockings.

Effortless effort.

You can follow her journey on: FacebookInstagram and Website

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