
Single Mom Holds Job Interviews For Her Kids.

All kids want something. Well, here’s a novel idea… make them work for it. And that’s just what mom of three Shaketha had in mind when she came up with a brilliant idea. But first, let’s take a quick look into Shaketha’s past.

Back in 2016, she was diagnosed with cancer, and she had to stop working. Because of THAT, she and her children had their home taken away from them. But they managed to find another home a short time later. However, that home was gutted in a fire, and perishing with it were so many of the family’s possessions, including all the children’s toys and electronics.

It was certainly a bizarre string of unfortunate events. But Shaketha and her kids never gave up, finally securing another home and even another job for Shaketha.

But the kids, ages 13, 10 and 6, were still without all the items they were used to, like cell phones. This is when Shaketha came up with her great idea. She made a job board and posted it inside the house. Jobs that were needed included: a kitchen manager, a lead housekeeper and a laundry supervisor.

But those who were interested in the jobs had to fill out applications and submit their resumes to mom. Then, they had to go through an interview with mom herself. And if they got the job, they would be paid an allowance for doing the work, and even get an extension of credit. And this, said their mom, would amount to more than the money in their pockets. It would build their character.

Says Shaketha: “Living this life would be meaningless if we didn’t reach someone else. A dream is only a dream unless you put action to it. You can make a difference right where you are.”

And now, after she made her social media post about it, Shaketha is taking custom orders for household job plans. It costs $25 and includes personalized flyers, applications, a job board, new hire forms, a mail box, name tags and home credit plans.

She will soon start a new job at a detention center, where she is expected to be supervising teen offenders. All things considered, that may just be a perfect job for her.

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