
This Dad Was the First to ‘Breastfeed’ His Baby Girl in Extraordinary Photos

Rosala Lupita Valentina Neubaue’s birth story, like many others, did not go as intended by her parents. Instead, April Neubauer was diagnosed with preeclampsia, and because her blood pressure was dangerously high, physicians burst her water to induce birth as things became more serious.

However, April and her husband, Maxamillian, understood that nursing and early skin-to-skin contact were two components of their birth plan that they would not sacrifice on. They didn’t have to, owing to a very inventive nurse and an equally enthusiastic father.

Max had to wait outside until Rosala was delivered since April suffered her second seizure during the surgery. When he was eventually able to see her, mom was still being stabilised, so it was up to dad to achieve their early skin-to-skin and nursing goals.

While Max was skin-to-skin with his infant girl, a nurse gave him an offer he couldn’t deny: the chance to be the first person to “breastfeed” her. He added, being a huge joker and having the capacity to try just about anything once. The nurses were laughing and jumping for delight.

They intended to nurse Rosala with formula until mom was healthy enough to breastfeed, rather than finger feeding, they got inventive. April didn’t realise her hubby was the first to “breastfeed” their kid until afterward, and she loves how Max and her nurse intervened.

She expressed that she was unconscious for hours after her operation. It was critical for them to breastfeed her, and her physicians and nurses understood how essential it was to them. Their nurse devised a plan for her husband to breastfeed their baby for the first time until she was awake and attentive. It was certainly surprising, but he would never do anything that he felt would make her uncomfortable. She was delighted her spouse stepped in because she couldn’t because of certain health difficulties.

The formula-filled injection was linked to a nipple shield that was put on Max’s chest. This was a simulation of nursing for his infant. He stated the nurse was quite helpful. He never breastfed and never believed in a thousand years that he would.

When Max’s mother-in-law and father stepped in, they had no idea what they were in for, and her reaction was priceless: he recalled her saying, shaking her head and saying ‘Only you Maxie… I didn’t believe the nurses, my god only you.’ “Great Grandpa was deafeningly silent. He was a really old-school man who simply looked at me weird. He eventually changed his mind.”

Max has only “breastfeed” once thus far, but is willing to try again if his child requires it. He felt a connection the moment he met his daughter. He expressed that he got to hold her and perhaps assist her get used to nursing. Really, he did it to be a decent father and a hero for the nursing staff, who are superheroes. One couldn’t ask for a nicer person.

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