
This Lovely Couple Gets Married In Their Driveway.

Story by Kaleigh Christensen

My brother got married today. He married the most beautiful soul, and I’m so glad she’s now my sister in law. 

I didn’t get to be there as a bridesmaid. My parents didn’t get to be there. My brothers and all of our families weren’t there. About 20 people viewed online through Zoom, cars parked on their street, and a few friends on their driveway who stood 6 feet apart from one another. 

They got married in their driveway. Their driveway to their home. Their home….where a tornado literally ripped through in the middle of one terrifying night earlier this year and took down their house. 

They had to move out for 7 months. And there they stood. In front of that torn down, knocked apart, and REBUILT beautiful house. They stood tall and fearless in front of that  house. Saying their vows, confessing their love. Promising forever. 

They got married during the world pandemic. And it was somehow the most beautiful thing. 

Love conquers. 

Love conquers through terrible circumstances and terrible fears. 

Love conquers through darkness. Through the mess. 

Love conquers through every outside force trying to knock it down. 

All we have to do…is get back up, and stand. 

Love conquers, my friends. 

Follow her journey on: Facebook, Instagram and Website

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