
This Widow Of A U.S. Marine Made One Last Request To Honor Her Husband.

Honor is quite a special thing to have. And the Marine Corps has honor and for one fallen Marine, his wife honored him in the best way she knew how.

A short while back, Second Lieutenant James Cathey, a soldier in the United States Marine Corps, was killed in Iraq. A Marine stood guard over his casket the night before his funeral. But also in that same solemn room was his wife, Katherine. She insisted on spending one final night with the man… the Marine… she loved so much.

So the Marines made a bed for her, putting it right next to her husband’s coffin. The Marines had asked her if she wanted one of them to stand guard for her and her husband that night, and she said “Yes” because that’s what her husband would have wanted. And before she fell asleep that night, she opened up an app on her laptop and played the list of all the songs that reminded her of her husband.

She honored her husband by staying with him as long as she could at the very end. From her to him, it was a final salute.

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