
Wife Locks The Door To Prevent Husband From Getting Involved In Her Job Interview. Absolutely Brilliant.

In every relationship there should be love, respect and communication. If a spouse needs his/her space, give them. Encourage them in what they want to do rather than demotivating them. Read this story of why the wife locked her room during an interview and let us know if you agree with her decision.

Source: Reddit

I (/F33) am unemployed but God knows I had been looking for jobs (I’m a sale’s rep) for well over 5 months, right after I recovered from my knee surgery.

My husband has a high paying job, first he suggested I leave my career as sales rep behind [not up to his wealthy family’s standards, they’d mocked me for it a lot] and stay home but I refused because I love my job and want to grow in it. He suggested he finds me a better job since he has connections but that’s not in my field.

I’ve had several job interviews and my husband has ruined all of them for me and here’s how: he’d walk into the room whenever I’m having a potential job interview and introduce himself and take over the conversation with the interviewer, he’d tell them about how good I am but slip in some bad stuff that eventually cost me the job. His argument was that he’s just making “recommendations” since he has connections and “influence” but I told him to stop and let me handle it. He sulked saying he was just trying to “guide me” and whatnot.

Several days ago, I had a job interview and after getting inside the room and before the interview started I locked the door. My husband tried to come in and started knocking on the door asking why I was locking the door and telling me to let him in. I put my headphones on and used noise cancelling but he kept knocking telling me to open the door.

After the interview was over I unlocked the door and walked out. He went off on me calling me disrespectful and awful to lock him out like that. I said I was sorry I wanted to work for this company so badly and I couldn’t let him ruin it for me. He got offended and said that I was being petty and childish and also ungrateful because of the stunt I pulled and said that he was trying to help me get the best deal out there. I said I’m not a child but he said that yes I was especially with how I behaved and for “excluding” him from my interview. 

How would you react after hearing such accusations? Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted:

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