
Woman Passes An Angel While Running Through The Woods

For one lady in Gorham, Maine, July 3, 2020, proved to be anything from average. This woman was surprised to see an angel while running through the woods! Her day didn’t start out well. She contacted a buddy for encouragement before going for a run, feeling uninterested and frustrated.

She hadn’t seen anyone in a long time while alone on a 300-acre path in Maine. Then, at random, she came across another individual, a woman who halted her as she went past. The stranger smiled and uttered something she never imagined hearing. “You earned it. I created something for you. It’s dangling from a tree.”

She was taken aback and listened to what the stranger had to say. What she discovered was that this stranger had done a random act of kindness by hanging a lot of necklaces from a tree for somebody to take home. This woman left her house depressed and unexpectedly received the reassurance she required. “There is a God, and angels exist.  And I just saw one of them,” she recalls, overcome with gratitude for what the angel had provided for her. Her tone and body language conveyed her gratitude. She thought the act was “incredible,” and she was correct. Receiving a blessing you prayed for is one thing; receiving a blessing you never expected is quite another.

God has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. This woman’s experience exemplifies God’s enigmatic existence. She discovered the support she required in an uncommon and unforeseen location. Be assured that you, too, will get God’s assistance when you require it. He may not always intervene when we want Him to, but He always acts. And He occasionally surprises us. Continue to pray. Continue to try. You never realize, you could run into some of your own angels.

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